Today is Tuesday and about halfway through the short week that we are having. There are no classes or anything on Friday because October 31st is a national holiday celebrating the influence of the evangelical church in Chile. (Leave it to the Catholics to give the Evangelicals Halloween their day of celebration). For those of you who don't know i was going to go to Vina del Mar last weekend but ended up, instead, going to Argentina. It is about a six or seven hour bus ride from Santiago to Mendoza. Mendoza was an absolute blast. It was good to get out of Santiago and experience some newness. (i know that really isn't a word, but..) I met up with a friend from high school and some of her friends from Vina del Mar. Friday we got in and experienced a little bit of the Argentina nightlife, which apparently starts 6 hours later than what Americans typically do.
Highlights of the trip are as follows food, the steaks that come from Argentina must be blessed by the heavens themselves. I truly believe that they could under many circumstances be considered a drug because of the instant addiction you will have to the tender meat. Second the wines, although i am not a huge Malbec fan and that is what Mendoza is known for, i was able to try quite a few wines. Which gets my to my next point, the wine tour. On Saturday we decided (the girls decided and of course the guys simply followed suit) to go on a wine tasting bike tour which was fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better weather (well i guess i could have but that would have been greedy). Got to taste a fair amount of Argentinean wines and bought a couple bottles to bring back to Chile. Then at night went out for dinner again, which was again more fantastic meat.
Came home later on Sunday and then got to work back on Monday.
Monday night we got internet and a phone line, which is nice to say that we will now be able to communicate with the outside world.