Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20th 2008

This week has been rather fluid. We had, Tasi, a fellow missionary who is stationed in Peru come up last weekend. Overall it was a lot of fun, but a relaxing weekend. On friday we had a function at school for a high school reunion for the past graduates of Andacollo. It wasn't a great turnout due to the weather (it was rather cold), the first year funk, and the overprice of the admission tickets. We had a booth that i worked at for the Pastoral crew. We were selling hot dogs and beer to the clients, but in the end we ended up loosing money. It was an enjoyable experience, but it could have been a lot better. We, on saturday, went to the Candelori house for a weekend dinner which was enjoyable. It is coming to the end of the semester and we have to turn in all of our grades and what not by tomorrow. Something of course that we, at this point, still have not done. Yet, i am fairly confident that we will be able to crank it out before school tomorrow. The weather here is getting very warm. It is around 90 degrees and sunny, which means wearing the required tie and nice clothes at school a pain. It is fun seeing the seniorititis from the teacher perspective. I truly believe that teachers are more anxious to have school be done with then the students. The heat here in Chile is coupled with a strike that is going on with the garbage disposal workers. Needless to say that due to the heat and the presence of trash everywhere, the city has a wonderful pungent aroma.
This weekend i have Uncle John coming in so that should be nice to see some relatives and show exactly what i am doing down here. Then on Sunday i have a luncheon(my form of payment for tutoring) with some of the kids that live in the neighborhood, then we are celebrating the birthday of Father Mike whose birthday is a celebration for the whole congregation. I am excited for the end of the school year and the entrance of summer, which makes everyone is such a better mode.
I hope that you are doing wonderful and i love you all

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