We are well into October and the weather is turning for the best.
I had a bad spoout of pneumonia earlier this month that left me tired and lazy. It was interesting for it was the first time in my life that i was told that i had to go home and could not be at work. (Something that rarely, if ever, happens at Power Painting). So, basically spent the weekend in bed and just recouperated for a while. It gave me a bit of time to reflect and organize what i am doing, have done and plan to do.
About a week and a bit ago we finished raising money and then build a "Mediaqua" (house) for a young pregnant woman, 19 years old, that did not have a house to start a family. It was a great experience for the kids to be able to take the time out of their normal daily lives and help people in a way that was absolutely foreign for them. We had a group of about 8 kids both days that it took in constructing the Mediagua at school and then also at the final destination.
Currently i am in the process of finishing off the school year, so we have all of the end of the year planning and projects. These include; final exams and grades for my classes, Confirmation that is tomorrow, and then the mission trip planning that will evenutally take place in the beginning of January.
During all of this I have been trying to find time to study for the GRE and finish up the application process for going back to school to get my Masters in International affairs. I am going to apply to Notre Dame, Boston College, Georgetown and then the last i am deciding between Marquette and Catholic University in DC.
This has been a fun and exciting process, but at the same time humbling. I have great hopes for my future and what i want to do, but at the same time the application process is making me realize that my experience here is coming to and end. Especially because the last couple of months here are basically a sprint to the end of the year, Christmas season and then the mission trip in Pichilemu.
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