Thursday, August 28, 2008

Monday August 25, 2008

Today was a pretty basic day at school, but it was nice to see that the kids that we went to the mountains with seem to have a much closer connection. They are all more willing and able to discuss with us. Tonight we had community night with the Andes house, which was good, it was a good test of my Spanish and also how we fit in with the community and I think that I passed both of the tests. I would not say I have anywhere near a mastery of the language but I think I now have a basic understanding, instead of simply nodding my head continually like I did for the first two weeks. So Monday was a rather interesting day because it was so full. My classes went along swimmingly, then off to a meeting for the end of the year mission trip that Brian and I are helping in. I didn’t do much at the meeting because they don’t trust my Spanish enough for me to do anything really important. So I feel a bit like an ornament, but then again people are just assuming that I don’t understand. It is interesting to see how people talk about you when they think you can’t understand.

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