So the last couple of days have been rather interesting. I have been fairly sick and ended up spending most of (or basically all of) the day in bed trying to get over a bad cold. Wednesday Michelle came over for community night which was nice, we just hung low and talked about what some of our problems or concerns were with moving into the a new situation. Thursday Brian and I went on a religious retreat with 2MA which is like Sophmores. We have been fairly close to this class for they are our homeroom. The picture is one i took on the retreat. Friday was a holiday so that was very nice to be able to have some time to relax. At the same time it was an untimely reminder of the situation that we live in. We had two girls that I teach that were selling hot dogs door to door in the pouring rain. Yes, it has been raining here for a full day straight, which is causing the house to leak in some inconvenient places. But after the girls stop by about an hour later there was a pounding at the door. They had been hassled by a group of kids who were sexual harassing them. We had them come in and offered them tea to get them to calm down. It was nice to know that they felt comfortable coming here, but at the same time it is sad, but a reality, that we live in a neighborhood where people get sexually harassed in broad daylight.
It is sometimes hard to come to terms with that kind of harsh reality especially coming from a very different background in the United States. But I think that this is an example of us making a positive impact here in Chile. The neighborhood is not really a ghetto by any standards, but I am not comfortable having girls walk around here alone, especially not a t night.
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