Friday, September 26, 2008

Another week

So this week has gone by very quickly but i must say i am absolutely exhausted. I feel that i needed a vacation from the vacation. We had dinner with the sisters on Monday and that was lovely. I almost feel bad being around them because they are genuinely the nicest people you can every meet. But at the same time it is refreshing and it gives you new hope in what i am doing. I had to sub for a couple of the Basketball P.E. classes because the normal teacher had to go take a computer certification class. Some of the kids were skeptical, but then i dunked on one of the kids and then they listened. It was awesome i basically jumped over him. (he was 7, but that doesn´t really matter) last night Thursday we went to the Candelori families house to celebrate Connie´s birthday. Connie is 11. There family is great and they are a ton of fun to be around. The only exception to this rule is oldest daughter, who is kind of crazy and i am pretty sure that she keeps kitting on me. I have to strategically position myself at dinners and i find myself using the young kids as shields. Then again that is life. It is fridar now and we have a short day and then it is the weekend so that is nice. got plans for a seafood night tonight with the ChACEr´s or the Gringo teachers from Notre Dame. So that should be a nice little outing, but then again i am looking forward to some R and R.

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